Archive for the ‘WCPA General Info’ Category

Filed Under (Jobs, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on February-11-2009

Position: Prevention and Training Coordinator

Location: University of Wisconsin Madison

Link: Full Position Announcement

Filed Under (Jobs, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on February-11-2009

WCPA would like to congratulate the Oshkosh Placement Exchange (OPE) on 30 great years of service. Many of us who work in Wisconsin have some connection to OPE as candidates / employers. We can thank OPE for giving us the chance to build opportunies and develop great memories.

Wishing you the best on the 2009 Oshkosh Placement Exchange.

Oshkosh Placement Exchange Website

Filed Under (Jobs, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on January-17-2009

Position: Transfer Student Admissions Counselor

Location: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Link: Full Position Announcement

Filed Under (WCPA Business, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on September-11-2008

One of the major initiatives our executive board has discussed is a proposal to restructure our executive board. We are now at a point in the process where we would like to hear from you as to whether our proposal is a good direction for WCPA to take as we head into the future. Every WCPA member is welcome to vote and is encouraged to leave feedback on the survey form.

WCPA Board Restructure Proposal.pdf

Filed Under (WCPA Conference, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on August-29-2008

WCPA Awards nomination forms are now available at:

Filed Under (WCPA General Info) by WCPA on November-8-2007

If you are a current member of WCPA we would like to encourage you to vote for:

WCPA President Elect
Candidate Running: John Palmer (UW Oshkosh)

WCPA Secreatary
Candidates Running: Shelia Jensen (UW Madison) & Maigan Wipfli (UW Eau Claire)

You can vote by emailing current WCPA President Paul Shepherd (

Filed Under (WCPA Conference, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on October-23-2007

Thank You to everyone who presented or attended the 2007 WCPA Conference “Sustaining our campuses future!”

The conference was a great success.

NOTE: We have several board positions available here if you would be interested in helping plan the 2008 Conference.

Please be on the lookout for the conference evaluation that will be emailed to your registered email.

Filed Under (WCPA Conference, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on October-13-2007

Please help support the WCPA scholarships and awards.

Bid early and bid often!

Auctions will run through the WCPA Fall Conference.

Filed Under (WCPA Conference, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on October-3-2007

Hello WCPA –
Conference time is quickly approaching, as is the time to nominate a colleague (or yourself!!) for one of our awards. Attached (in Word format and a PDF) is all the information you need about the awards and the short form you will need to fill out and return to me.

Awards Document (.doc)

Awards Document (.pdf)

We have two new awards this year, and have – as an added bonus – free conference registration as the prize for most of the awards!!

Check out the attachment for the information and feel free to e-mail me with any questions.

It really only takes a few minutes to nominate someone… and they do not need to be attending the conference to be considered.

Thanks for your time,
Sheila Jensen
WCPA Secretary / Awards Chair

Filed Under (Newletter, WCPA General Info) by WCPA on September-28-2007

The Fall 07 WCPA Newsletter is now available for download:


– President’s Pen

– Articles on Current Info

– Fall’07 Conference Info

– Spotlight Member

All this and more. Check it out.

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